Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Caring For Your Digital Camera

Problems that occur when you're out taking pictures aren't always easy to solve.There's a good way to prevent them however!Think about this, "The best defense is a good offense.”  And the best offense here is to avoid problems with your digital camera in the first place.


That’s not to say things aren’t going to happen that are unexpected and unavoidable.Many common problems photographers have out in the field, however, could be avoided with just a little planning.


Dead Batteries


There’s nothing worse than missing that great picture because the camera battery died.  The easy solution is to always, ALWAYS, have extra batteries in your camera case.It doesn't make a bit of difference if you use regular or rechargeable battieries, you still need to have at least one spare on hand.. 


Also, bear in mind that if you’re outside shooting in cold weather, your batteries will die a lot quicker.Frigid temperatures and digital batteries aren't compatible. The batteries die a lot quicker, so it might be a good idea to keep two or more spares when out in the cold.


Yes, batteries are expensive, but it’s worth the spending a little extra money to keep from beating your head against the wall because a dead battery made you miss that once in a lifetime shot. 



When Cards Go Bad


A while back I went on vacation and took all my pictures on one card.I just knew I had lots of great photos.I knew for sure that card was filled with super shots of the trip. 


The scenery was indeed breathtaking, but what really took my breath away was when I tried to load the pictures onto my computer and got one of those dreaded “ERROR” messages.  The card was bad and most of the files were corrupted.With no way to access the files, all those wonderful pictures were gone, gone, gone.


While it doesn’t happen often, cards can and do go bad.That's the reason it's better to buy a couple of smaller cards for your digital camera than just one great big card.Get a couple of 1-GB cards, for example, instead of buying a 2-GB card. 


Yes, it’s cheaper to buy a huge bunch of gigabytes on one card.But losing that one card would mean losing every one of your pictures.Avoid the temptation.Losing any pictures is a bummer, but it's better to save at least part of them than to lose them all. 


Remember, two cards are better than one.



It’s Raining, It’s Pouring


The weather isn’t cooperating, or maybe you just like pictures of rain.Perhaps you're in a boat or at the seashore and somewhere else with a damp environment.You want some pictures, but you don't want a ruined camera.How can you save your digital camera?


Well, you can buy protective gear to keep in your camera case for such times.  Places like B & H Photo or Calumet Photographic stores carry waterproof cases.If you only need waterproof casing for your digital camera on rare occasions, you might not want to spend that much money.


For a make-do solution, carry a clear plastic bag in your camera case to keep water off your camera.When traveling, if you forgot to put a plastic bag in your camera case, try using one of those clear disposable shower caps from a motel room.


Planning Ahead Saves Your Sanity


If planning ahead doesn’t save your sanity, it will at least improve your chances for good pictures with your digital camera.The best chance for good pictures is keeping your camera dry, the batteries charged and extra memory cards on hand.


And that’s why you bought a digital camera in the first place, right?

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