Friday, November 28, 2008

Digital Photography for Beginners

Yes, digital photography for beginners is possible. Although if you are used to using an old film camera there are some differences with the modern digital cameras you will want to know about.

You will be able to get a lot out of digital photography for beginners once you know of and capitalize on of these differences. The truth is this stuff really isn't rocket science.

Gaining a Collection of Images

With the digital format we are now hardly limited at all when it comes to the number of photos we will be able to take. Never again will you have to pay for a whole load of prints that you didn't even want. This is all good, however you do need to get into the habit of going through your photos and editing or deleting your collection. This is because you do not want to have to go through loads and loads of useless images to find your good ones later.

Ways to save space

You can switch from a high-resolution picture to a lower resolution to save on storage space. Your high-resolution photos will take up more storage space than the lower resolution one.

Generally you'll probably only need a really high end resolution with your photographs when intending to print them out in a very large size, say like a poster for instance. For looking at on your laptop and other electronic devices you will likely find a smaller quality is more than good enough, visitors to my basic photography guide usually say this is the norm for them. It is also possible with many cameras to change the compression rate/format that your camera saves its images in. Your images will take up less room in the storage space when you compress the pictures. If there is one thing modern Day cameras are normally short of its memory space, so you really should increase it as soon as possible. This will instantly bring your level of fun down if you were planning to take photos and you cannot because you just ran out of memory.

The dreaded battery issue

Healthy batteries for your camera is simply essential.

If you are running low on battery power, avoiding overuse of your LCD digital display should help significantly to lengthen your cameras usage time. You can also turn off the flash and continuous auto focus to reduce these items from using up your batteries. If your camera doesn't use its own special power pack, make sure you are at least using good rechargeable batteries and that you have several charged replacement sets of batteries ready with you at all times. All amateurs, no matter what their level of experience, will be able to enjoy digital photography for beginners. There's no reason why you can't come up with pictures you are proud of.

you'll learn that it is easy to go from digital photography for beginners to the next level of photography, as you get more comfortable with your digital camera.

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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Two Digital Cameras For the Beginner - Nikon D60 and Nikon D40

If you're looking for a solid buy in the area of digital cameras on sale. This week I've selected two for my review. The Nikon D4 and the Nikon D40 DSlr. Both are the Slr type and they both are within the price range between $450.00 and $600.00. Depending on the sale, perks and what-knots. Nikon D40 with standard kit lens AF-S DX 18-55...Image via Wikipedia

The Nikon D60 Digital SLR Camera details:Nikon D60 w/AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VR -Exclusive Black Gold Special Edition. This camera has good value for it's price, it is of high quality and pretty much does it all.

What's so fantastic about these small but powerful cameras is the user-friendly features. I'm very pleased to say that I'd recommend this camera to anyone looking for an affordable Digital SLR camera. Some people enjoy knowing the actual date each picture has been taken. The Nikon D60 allows you to turn the imprinting date feature on and off as you desire. This feature is located in the bottom right corner of the camera. Pretty much everything you would normally associate with the DSLR's are there. You'll find a super selection of choices for your manual modes, programmed modes, and even the automatic modes.

I'd give the Nikon D60 a thumbs up for both the novice and semi pro's. If you can find this digital camera on sale, that's a nice bonus. The next camera I've chosen for my review is the Nikon D40 DSlr. The details of this camera are as follows: 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G ED II AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor lens.

Perhaps you are finding yourself wanting to dive into the world of photography. The Nikon D40 is easy to use, takes wonderful pictures in automatic mode and is quite an impressive digital camera.

Comfortable controls, easy to use and it's of a nice strong construction. It is lightweight, but a little heavier than some. It is also great for the casual hobbyist or someone becoming a little more serious in digital photography. A nice camera for scrap-booking, close up or full body portraits as well as scenery pictures. You are in full control for taking the perfect picture for your particular needs.

Easy manual modes make this one of the better digitals camera on sale for the beginner. It may be a little bit larger than some prefer in a digital camera. While you're in the store, hold it up and take a few shots to get a better judge of the weight. Some people may find this just a tad to heavy for their taste. This is why I do recommend you take the opportunity to visit your local electronics outlet. This way, you can pick it up and play with it a bit before you make any long lasting decisions.

These are not the cheapest digital cameras on sale, but they are some of the better buys for the somewhat serious beginner or the more casual digital photography hobbyist.

Sales come and go fast, so hurry on down to your local electronics outlet to check these two little digital cameras for sale out. I wouldn't classify either of these cameras in the discount digital camera field, but discounted merchandise is sometimes along the lines of the, 'you get what you pay for' buyers plan.

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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Canon Powershot SX10IS 10MP Digital Camera Review

Are you considering photography as a hobby? But you don't want to spend to much in an SLR before you can be sure that you like photography.

This is where Canon Powershot SX10IS camera comes in.

Power SX101S is making its foray into the range of Canon digital cameras. It is an upgrade on the S5IS. The enhanced digital SLR camera now has upgraded DIGIC4, letting you to snap continuous photographs for subjects in motion, and magnified resolution of 10 mega pixels.

Taking remarkable range shots is no longer a problem. Thanks to SX10IS's large 20x optical zoom. Taking natural photographs is impressive enough that the subjects don't know they are being filmed.

The wide angle of SX10IS is pretty impressive. It has a range of 28mm to 560mm. It makes a breeze for any photographer to capture photographs at close ups or far away.

The Powershot SX10IS can distinguish human faces at any angle. Upon finding the faces, you will notice a focusing rectangles on the faces. Don't you think you can focus better on faces with this feature?

The optical image stabilization (OIS) and motion detection benefit you when you attach the long lens on the Canon Powershot SX10IS.

Compared to its predecessor, Powershot SX10IS is bigger. If you are a newbie, then you may find it bulky. But after using it a few times, you'll find that you can take shots more steadily because of the grip. Also, you won't drop the camera easily.

The improved design makes easier for you to reach the buttons on the Canon Powershot SX10IS. With easy reach you can change any setting such as Manual exposure, Program AE, Custom mode, Aperture priority AE, and Shutter-speed priority AE.

You'll be amazed with the quality of the images. Its 10 mega pixels could take amazing details when you shoot for close ups. Its i-Contrast also helps you to capture shots under natural lighting without blowing out the light areas.

Of course, you can't compare the quality of the pictures to the ones you take with a standalone DSLR lens. Overall, it is easy to use. It starts up fast. I think Canon Powershot SX10IS it is an ideal digital camera for those who can't afford DSLR camera.

I wouldn't be surprised if you have visited the reviews at CNET or DPREVIEW. But the best comments actually come from the users themselves. We took the liberty of extracting some quotations of the users from digital camera discussion boards,, and Following this Canon Powershot SX10IS review, it would justify the purchase of Canon Powershot SX10IS.

"In initial testing, the face detection technology seems to work well. I can take a self portrait now and the lighting comes out very good. I think the technology has gone from buzzword marketing to true usefulness."

"This camera's 28-560 mm is what makes this camera like no others. With the 100 or so pictures produce for me so far, it looks a feels like a winner."

"The flip-out and rotating viewfinder has always and continues to set this camera apart from its peers from other companies. It allows for less intrusive candid photos and has many other advantages."

"28mm-560mm is one heck of range to have at your finger tips."

"I feel the lens is the best of the ultra zooms in its range."

"Build quality is amazingly solid, though. Video recording is intuitive and the quality looks good - plus you have full use of the camera's very quiet lens."

"If you are looking for a camera that takes really good sports photos or any photos, I would recommend this camera."

"Functionally, I'm very impressed so far. This is a significant reworking of the S5, rather than a previous model lightly warmed over."

Now you have decided that this is digital camera you're looking.

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Friday, November 21, 2008

Basic Digital Photography

Enjoying the Basics in Digital Photography

Basic digital photography is easy for people of all ages to learn. These cameras are more sophisticated with great options that can help people capture special moments in their lives. Any wonderful picture taken is always going to be one the photographers will keep for a long time. Basic Digital photography is not difficult to learn. Photographers of all ages do not have to be brilliant to take wonderful photo with a digital camera. Basic photography means learning how to operate one of these special cameras.

Basic digital photography includes capturing and saving the desirable photos in the memory of the camera. With just a click of a button any undesirable photos may be deleted. After learning to take good photos with basic digital photography, you can download them to a printer or computer. Some people like to print out their photos while others like to keep the photos on their computers available for viewing. Using digital photography you can easily share all the photographs you have taken with others. Photographers can quickly send their photos with a simple push of a button to relatives, neighbors and friends around the world.

Taking Basic Digital Photography is a Great Beginning.

Photographers need to have a good knowledge of basic digital photography to take pictures, after which, many continue learning to improve their skills. Learning to go further than the basics, photographers will start to work on the arrangement of their photos. They are motivated to make their photographs much more than just ’good enough’, they want them to be exceptional. There are some incredible examples of photos that are considered not to be good compositions. For example, if a picture was taken without the photographer realizing the background area had a pole behind the person they were taking the picture of, then, there may be an unexpected object that could appear in the photo sticking out of someone’s head.

There are some great tools that photographers can use to move beyond basic digital photography. You can find any number of computer software programs the will help you make the photographs you take even more beautiful. If the picture you took is too dark or too light you can fix it with one of these computer programs. If you have an area in a picture you do not want to show or keep, then you should use a cropping tool to remove it. Once you are proficient in digital photography, you can begin to explore how to enlarge photos or part of one. Almost everyone likes to have photos of their favorite people in their homes and offices. After learning basic digital photography, people can print out some of their favorite photos and place them in frames for home or office display.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

How to Buy the Perfect Camera

The latest digital cameras are brimming with technological features,this often leads to people buying something that doesn't suit their needs. So what are should you look for if you are looking to buy a digitalcamera? To get you kick started there are some useful tips outlined in this article. The most important question you need to ask yourself is: what sort of photography do you intend to use the camera for?

Will you be using it every day? A point to remember when you are looking at buying a digital camera is what type of batteries it uses because ideally they should be rechargeable,long term it will be less expensive to use this type of battery. If you are using you home pc to carry out photo editing you will need to think about whether you pc is up to the task.Other features such as diopter adjustment for people with poor vision, a remote control and a tripod socket can all be considered when you look at different models. If you don't already have some proprietary image editing software then do not worry because it will usually be included when you buy a digital camera but a photo printer will have to be factored into the equation if you don't already have one.

Most people with computers will have a printer but you must check to see if it can be used for printing photos. The megapixel resolution of the camera will ideally need to be adjusted as high as it will go if you want to produce decent size images. When buying your digital camera, look for a large LCD screen version which many newer cameras have as standard,this screen allows for greater shooting flexibility in addition to making it easier to view them afterwards.

With a little luck this article has cleared up a number of points you may have been unclear on and should make buying a digital camera a little easier. Take note of how easy it is to operate because although functions are important, if it isn't easy to use, it won't be! Many newer digital cameras come equipped with large internal rechargeable batteries but if not you shot invest in a couple of sets,not only are these extremely cost effective, less batteries means less are disposed of which helps the environment. All digital cameras have a LCD screen which is a small screen located at the back of the unit,large screens make taking the picture so much easier.

Often you will find that smaller compact types are only made without a viewfinder to reduce the size but include a large, by comparison, LCD screen. If you enjoy close up pictures then you need a model with an optical zoom. If you are serious about buying a digital camera then you should try to avoid purchasing one with only a digital zoom. Two other things to look out for are diopter adjustment for people with poorer vision and a tripod socket because both are very useful. Now that you are looking to buy a digital camera, do you know what to look for.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

5 Easy Ways to Improving Digital Camera Photography

Whether you are adopting your digital camera for recreational use or are taking a trip into the world of professional photography, you will find it helpful to understand a few important tips to improving the overall quality of each picture that you take. 

1) If you are taking a picture of a person or your favorite pet, make sure that you place the camera at the subjects eye level. If you are photographing a child sitting down or your cute kitten playing on the ground, you will need to stoop down to their level. The subject of your picture is not required to be looking directly into the camera. The thought here is simply to place the cameras point of view at the same level of your subject. 

2) The best pictures will be those without a lot of buzy background movement. Instead, a plain background will bring more attention to your subject and less to what is going on around it. When you look through the viewfinder, also take a moment to scan the surrounding area in an effort to make sure there are no distrations in the background. 

3) Did you know that using your digital camera’s flash outdoors can greatly enhance the quality of your image? If you are taking photographs on a sunny day, especially, shadows are often very problematic and can sometimes lessoned or eliminated altogether with the use of the flash. This was one digital camera tips I learned by accident. 

4) Don’t be afraid to move in close to your subject. You can use the zoom feature if you are unable to get as close as you would want because your goal should be to fill the entire picture with your subject. If you get too close, however, the photo may end up blurry. If you are in doubt, take several pictures just to make sure you get the perfect one. 

5) Get creative with your digital camera pictures. Take both horizontal and vertical photos. Most people simply point and click and never give another thought to the option of taking vertical photos, which can greatly enhance an image of tall subjects. From {taking pictures of dogs} to lakes or mountaintops, vertical photos are often the best way to capture a lot of detail in your subject. 

When you are taking photos, no matter your location,pay attention the lighting. Cloudy days often provide optimal photo opportunities, but you will need to be aware of much more than just the what’s happening in the sky as given in the tips above. If you are using your digital camera indoors, the lighting does become an important factor so you will want to try to avoid anything that may place a glare in the photo. 

After all, the hightlight of your photo should be your Best buddy, family member, or the wide open spaces. And of course, that would be the subject.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Discount Digital Cameras Can Be Acquired

Quality digital cameras can be expensive and you may be reluctant to purchase a new camera for this reason. There are many venues where less expensive digital cameras can be purchased, but people are often unaware of this.

Online consumer services provide sales of overstock items and it is one of the best ways to find discount digital cameras. As the name suggests, overstock items are items of stock that have not sold. The cameras are not inferior it is just the demand did not meet the expectations of the stock purchased.

In order to move them so as to have more shelf space the store will drop the prices drastically. Now, since the number of people who visit the actual store are limited in number, the store may seek the services of an online overstock seller who will gladly handle the facilitation of the sale for them. As such, these online overstock services can provide excellent deals for the thrift minded shopper.

Going from store to store in your city looking for these discount digital cameras can be very tiring. The Internet is actually a great place to shop for discount digital cameras because you can easily compare product features and prices without having to move from in front of your computer.

It is not surprising that some consumers may have misgivings in regards to purchasing discount digital cameras through an overstock distributor because the cameras are not new releases. These cameras are not new releases but they are not second hand or reconditioned either. The cameras are factory sealed and are untampered with, they simply did not sell in the store at full price. The only difference between an overstock discount digital camera and a brand new one is the price.

Ultimately, there is always a risk when it comes to purchasing any product that is not brand new, but the risks associated with overstock sales are generally minimal. The other benefit with most overstock online distributors compared to a site offering second hand cameras is there are often refund options available.

The advantages of purchasing a discount digital camera far outweigh the disadvantages, so your purchase would be an investment, and any savings on the purchase price will surely be appreciated.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Special Marine Digital Camera

The art of underwater photography is only carried out using special marine digital cameras operated by professionals from many scientific disciplines. Using an marine  camera requires skill as you are operating in a foreign environment Many waterproof cameras are ok but they cannot be submerged for more than a meter below the surface of the water

Buying one of those marine digital cameras isn't really likely but you could buy one of the cheaper options if you are only going below the surface for a short while and not to deep.

You see, water pressure is the real problem for these cameras as well as water leaks Of course quality camera manufacturers have overcome this problem by creating watertight plastic cases that encompass the digital camera. Cases like this, inexpensive in comparison to a real marine digital camera, can for a while make you believe that you too are some kind of underwater photographer.

If you are shooting with your marine digital camera, you need to take note of a few things to help you come up with the best underwater images.

Water diffuses the light and the farther down you go the more this diffusion occurs. The result of this is a darkening of the captured image so adjustments to the white balance are needed. You will also notice when you see the pictures taken underwater that they appear larger than they should; this is part of the magnifying effect water has. You will have to pay more attention using the viewfinder to make sure you are achieving the shot you want.

You don't want to have a camera that leaks when you go underwater so before you dive, check that the case is waterproof by holding it below the surface for a few seconds. Especially check the seal to make sure that a grain of sand or even a hair hasn't broken the seal. Small silica gel packs can be useful if they can fit in the case without causing an obstruction.

Optional lenses are often available so if you can add these to your marine digital camera then do so. It is possible to get really close to some subject for great close-up shots using a macro lens.

When you have finished using your marine digital camera be careful to wash it thoroughly to make sure all the salt water is removed as the salt will crystallize and this can cause leaks. The best way to rinse of an marine digital camera where grains of sand are present in particular is with a flow of clean water.


Get more ideas on digital cameras visit Discount Olympus Digital Camera


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sony Alpha DSLR-A200 Digital SLR Camera Pros and Cons

The Sony Alpha DSLR-A200 Digital SLR Camera is the follow-up model to Sony’s first DSLR model, the A100. This new model is faster, lighter and much easier to use than it’s predecessor. It also provides noise control and AF acquisition times.


The A200 includes a 10.2 mega pixel Super HAD CCD sensor and Sony’s pivotal BIONZ processor. This option produces dynamic range, minimal noise and improved picture detail. It also enhances images with rich tonal reproduction, improved white balance and exposure control. This model utilizes Sony’s Carl Zeiss lens.

This camera features six primary shooting modes:

Scene: With this option, the user can select six different presents with camera setting optimized for each scene
Manual: With this option, the user manually selects shutter speed and aperture
Shutter priority: User selects shutter speed and camera sets aperture
Aperture priority: User selects lens aperture and the camera sets shutter speed
Program: With this popular option, the camera utilizes automatic exposure while retaining custom settings
Auto: With this option the camera uses default settings to easily and effortlessly shoot any subject under any conditions.


-Great image and color quality. Awesome range of adjustments
-Dust reduction sensor with stabilizer
-Accepts a variety of mainstream lenses
-Good shutter and AF response


-The plastic construction is questionable in terms of durability

The image and color quality are great and there’s plenty of inputs available to customize image parameters if the default shots aren’t to your liking. The shutter is standard DSLR quick and the auto focus performance is great in normal lighting environments. The camera comes with a 2.7 inch LCD monitor and there are a total of five brightness settings available. The monitor works great even if there are smears on the screen.

The  high mega pixel range offer room for professional photographs. The A200 has the D-Range Optimizer feature with standard and advanced digital settings. The D-Range Optimizer preserves detail in both shadow and light in pictures. The advanced setting places the image into small sections and analyses the contrast of light and shadow between the subject and the background, producing an image with optimal brightness and gradation.

The Sony Alpha DSLR-A200 has a variety of different scene presents including portrait, landscape, macro, sports, sunset and night portrait. The A200 is a great camera overall and there are some wonderful entry-level features such as dust reduction, in-camera stabilization and the ability to use Sony and Minolta lenses. The A200 should be even more attractive since Sony has recently dropped it’s MSRP to $500 USD.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Wedding Photography Tip – Saving Memories That Can Last Forever

Wedding Photography Tips

Wedding pictures are meant to last forever. As a gift for this special event, the most beautiful shots should be given to the newlyweds as a gift for this reason. Every wedding moment is a happy one, so you wouldn't really have a hard time capturing photographic memories that are worth keeping.

If you have a passion for photography and you are going to a wedding, why not bring a camera and practice your skills? To prepare for the weddding day you can always get a helpful wedding photography tips book to guide you through the day.

Wedding Photography Tip – What To Do Before The Event

Before the event, it is a helpful wedding photography tip to ready all the materials you need. If you take great pictures of scenery or sports for example, don't let that be a hindrance to taking great photographs at weddings. Like sports, you can always take the "active" moments of the wedding and you will see how you can create the funnier side of the event.

Obviously, you'll need your camera and an extra battery as well to get you through the entire wedding day. Of course, you need to put them inside your camera bag so you won't miss bringing any of them at the church or at the reception area. You can also choose to bring your tripod with you for still and perfect photo moments. During you own wedding photo shoot there are not many other useful items that can be helpful other than these two.

Wedding Photography Tip – Taking Your Shots

A good wedding photography tip would help you take good shots both at the church and at the reception area. Try to stay in the center aisle of the church when inside because here you can capture the best pictures. Of course, you wouldn't want to block the main wedding photographer since he is the one assigned by the couple to take neat shots of the wedding. For closer views, you really need to get up close to your subjects. Portrait style of photography is always best for wedding photos. This will help the couple identify the guests at a later time, and this can also be a good shot for the members of the entourage.

Wedding Photography Tip – After Wedding Photos

Moving along the reception, there is one helpful wedding photography tip that can aid you in producing pictures that bring delight to the newlyweds. Since the main photographer would focus on the main events of the wedding like the slicing of the cake and wine drinking, you can always choose to capture other moments like the reaction of the guests or the children playing around the bride and groom during this time. There are so many different tricks you can do at a wedding. However, getting support from this wedding photography tip list alone would help you sufficiently enough in taking the best shots at the wedding.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Researching A Digital Camera

Digital camera technology moves forward so quickly these days that it often alienates its potential customers. Finding the best digital camera should really be quite simple with all the consumer reports and comparisons available both online and in written periodicals. Drawing the money to pay for it out you decide on a top of the range 10 megapixel resolution, 12 times optical zoom compact camera with a two and a half inch LCD screen for excellent viewing of the images afterwards. Can you imagine your surprise when you find that the camera you have researched so diligently and have set your heart on has been usurped from its position of best model with a newer more expensive version.

So we have a dilemma because now there is this new version, we simply must have this latest best digital camera. However, the decision to purchase the best digital camera has been made for us because why would we now want second best. If you are new to digital cameras and photography the tips below might be useful and point you in the right direction. First off try and search out a model with a higher number of pixels, referred to megapixels; you ideally need over 5 although with today's cameras it would be hard to find one under that anyway.

You normally find that the higher the number of pixels, referred to as megapixels, the camera has, the deeper the colors and clarity of the image will be which helps the final printed version. The resolution of your image is based upon the megapixel property of your camera which means that as you enlarge the picture, you would get more detail and less blurry colors. Good quality models are now using large LCD screens around the 2.5 inches area which is great for viewing them afterwards and for framing the shots perfectly. Many of the best quality digital cameras now have special functions enabled so the image can be edited to a degree on the screen itself without the use of a computer.

However, if you remember that a large screen equals higher power consumption, smaller screen, lower power consumption you can't go wrong so just carry a spare set of rechargeable batteries with you everywhere. More and more digital cameras are coming equipped with an optical zoom and this is the sort to try for even if it is only a three times power. Low spec cameras that only cost a fraction for their quality cousins will only have a digital zoom; unless you really aren't at all fussy about your shots you would be well advised to stay clear of buying a digital zoom only camera. As there are so many types of storage card available you will have to ensure you buy the correct one.

Memory cards are used in all sorts of electronic gadgets and you may already have heard of the main ones: Sony's Memory Stick, compact Flash, Secure Digital and XD cards for example. Purchasing a large memory card means you can store larger resolution images and many more of them but sometimes the larger capacity cards might not be compatible with your model. Prices for the large gigabyte cards now are almost the same price as one that was only 64mb only 2 or 3 years ago. Your life and interests should really be the ideal measuring stick for the type of digital camera you ultimately buy. Whether you use your camera for fun or for serious photography, as long as it is used it will be worth the financial outlay.


To find additional information on digital cameras visit Vivitar Digital Camera

Friday, November 7, 2008

Sony Alpha DSLR-A700 Digital camera

Sony’s Alpha DSLR-A700 Digital camera is extremely streamlined, offers comfortable shooting design, broad functional features, sensor-shift image stabilizer, excellent photo quality and extremely fast picture-taking performance.

This is a top of the line amateur digital SLR camera that will make an excellent choice if you don’t already have a chosen lens system. The Sony Alpha DSLR-A700 Digital camera offers SLR resolution at 12.24 mega pixels and a display type: 3 in LCD display.

The DSLR-A700 offers several bundles: body only, a kit with an 3.5-5.6, 16 mm-to-105mm lens, a kit with a 3.5-4.6, 18mm-to70mm lens, a kit with an 3.5-5.6, 18mm-200mm lens and a dual-lens kit which offers the aforementioned 18mm-70mm lens and a 3.5-6.3, 75mm-to-300mm lens.

The body itself is dust and moisture resistant with a tough aluminum chassis and magnesium shell. Weighing in at 1.75 pounds, the Sony A700 feels solid and well-crafted. Sony also includes a solid set of practical features, such as Steady/Shot sensor-shirt image stabilization, dual memory-card slots and a built-in wireless flash transmitter.

Here’s a brief outline of Sony’s new “Advanced Amateur” camera:

-HDTV output
-Creative styles and lot of new parameters to play with
-Advanced Graphical User Interface and a huge range of new features and functions
-Brand new 40 segment honeycomb metering
-12 Mega Pixels CMOS sensor
-High speed shutter with high sync speed
-Big screen with high resolution
-Fast, 5 frames-per-second continuous shooting capabilities and better buffering

The zoom lens kit costs approximately $1900. Buying the body alone reduces the price by $500. The number of lenses and accessories to this camera is limited. It has far more exposure controls than any other DSLR camera to date. That being said, the camera’s ease of use is exceptional. Like most DSLR’s, it has easy-to-find selector dials for quickly changing shutter speeds, exposure compensation and aperture values.

The best feature by far is the Function button on the back of the camera. In shooting mode, this feature displays a summary of your exposure settings on it’s 3-inch LCD screen. The function button, along with joystick and selector dials, will allow you to change any of the display settings right on the screen. This camera is very intuitive and super-fast!

With it’s incredibly sharp, 12 mega pixel imaging and more exposure controls than most camera’s, this finely designed camera is on par to near professional level photography, making it worth the overall price. The only minor limitation is it’s narrow range of lenses and accessories but overall this camera gets 9 out of 10 stars.

See more digicam reviews and find out how to get the camera you want for less cash at our website Best Digital Camera Reviews

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Portrait Photography

Professional portrait

Do you just snap pictures of friends without a thought to how it my turn out?  Executive portrait photography takes you a step up from people photography.  It gives you elements to notice such as the angle you take the photograph, the lighting you will use, and the expression of emotion on a persons face.  While you may be an amateur photographer deciding to take Christmas photos without the expense you will need to have some basic knowledge of techniques used by the professionals. 

First when taking a photograph of a person you need to study their face.  The face is important to the angle you will shoot from.  Though it is a cliché, it is true some people have a better side.  This could be in relation to scarring or acne breakouts or even simpler.  For instance my left eye is larger than my right by just a bit, and looking head on into the camera will cause a horrible portrait, however if the photographer comes from the right side and angles up a little the light and shadows will help even out the features while keeping the distinctions that make me who I am.

Portrait lighting photography is about capturing the essence of the subject, the personality.  The little nuances of a face add character to the portrait.  You will want to loosen up your subjects.  If you are becoming a professional portrait photographer you will want to learn about your subject as you are taking pictures or perhaps meet them before the session.  If they are just your family then you should know what would get their personality captured on film. 

Lighting is the next important step to portrait photography.  A lot of photographers prefer natural light to artificial.  Your subject will in part decide this for you.  Remember you will use the light you have.  Natural light will often require setting the aperture to compensate for the cameras lack of definition.  In other words you need to create the contrast with the light and shadows for the effect you want.  Often artificial light is harsh and not directed properly unless in a studio.  Again you will need to use the manual settings on your camera to create the perfect portrait. 

The background is also important when discussing light.  In a studio a photographer will pick a background that will not wash your features out or your clothing.  They want to have a distinction or contrast between you and the background.  This is also important of home portrait photography.  You will want a background that gives color to your subject rather than taking it away.  Finding a nice spot with a tree to sit on and mountains in the background can be a great portrait, but you will want to make sure the background is not too busy to distract from the subject.  Make the subject seem apart of the picture rather than outside of it.

The type of camera and film you use will also determine the quality of the photography.  Once you combine techniques such as lighting, angles, and understanding your subject you will be able to create a near to professional if not professional portrait for your friends and family no matter the occasion.  Just snapping a picture is possible, but it would be great to have a better portrait?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Don't Be A Loser ... Backup Your Photos and Data

Just One Of Those Days?

Honey!?! Why won't the computer boot up?
What's that smell? Is something burning?
Weren't all your pictures on that computer?
Oh, no!

Don't be a loser ... like me.  I am talking about loss, data loss.  In terms of digital photography I am talking specifically about the pictures of your life that are more than likely all stored in one place only: the hard drive of your computer. 

Life gets busy and it is easy to just collect data, take pictures and make movies, write documents and put our financial data in our checkbook program. We just collect all that stuff in one place (our PC’s) and just think its always going to be there for us forever, just like a good friend. Well, just when you least expect it your technology can turn on you.  I've lost important pictures and let me tell you huge gaping hole in my heart that I experienced.  I was a looser.  My first thought was, do I have my stuff backed up?  My response was “no”, then “OH, NO!”

How much are your digital photos worth to you?  A hard drive failure could cost between $300 and $3000 to recover the data depending on the severity of the hard drive crash, if in fact your data is even recoverable.

Here is a short list of things you can do to protect your valuable photos, videos and other personal data:

Buy and Keep Your Antivirus Software Up To Date

Malicious viruses can erase your hard drive.  Use a system that is updated automatically every day with the latest virus definitions.

Service Your PC Regularly

When dust collects in and around your hard drives, they overheat and that will shorten the life of the drive.  Your PC is one big electrostatic air filter. Have it serviced by a professional at least once a year and keep them off of the carpeted floor, away from dust and pet dander.

I recommend getting an air filter and keep it in the room with your PC.  Your PC will not breathe in as much dust, and as an added benefit, the air will be fresher and you will breathe less dust at the same time.

Backup Your Photos and Data

Backing up your photos and data over the web is becoming a very popular choice for data backup.  It is better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.  This is a great, cheap insurance policy.Online backup is like buying an insurance policy for your digital photo archives.

Here are the advantages of backing up to the Internet: 

You can backup securely over any high speed Internet connection.

Since your data is stored on a server offsite, you are covered from events such as PC theft, fire or hard drive failure. You might consider what would happen if there is an earthquake, flood or other natural disaster wherever your backups are stored.

The best way to regularly back up your data and keep your data backup offsite is to open a free account with With MozyHome you can backup 2 Gigabytes for free, and for $4.95 per month (even less with an annual subscription) you can back up an unlimited amount of data from your home computer.  They have great prices for business computers as well.

Many online backup companies offer a low cost data backup only to charge you on the back side to restore your backup data.  Not so with Mozy.  They have no hidden charges!  When I asked their tech support to confirm, they told me "We don't hold your data for ransom."

So, don't be a loser. You've invested hours and dollars in your digital photo library.  It is literally priceless.  One day (maybe even tomorrow) you will be glad you did, or sorry you didn’t.  Save early and save often, and make data backup a critical part of your digital photography processes.

You might even encourage your friends to back up their data (send them a link to this article!) You may become one of their biggest heroes the next time they experience a data loss event.

Sign up for a free digital photography tip of the week at If you shoot in camera RAW (you should be), please visit for news and reviews about popular RAW converter programs.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Medium Format: Do You Need It?

You, as a photographer, are looking for the perfect image. In addition to a good, well composed photo, you want the best technical quality. You want your photos to be as detailed as possible, showing on the subtle colors and sharp edges of your real world subjects. You want the ultimate image.

If you need this type of image, medium format is here to help. As you may know, medium format photography uses a film format that is significantly larger than the standard 35mm format that we all know and love. By using a larger film area, medium format cameras, such as the famous Hasselblad 500 series can capture significantly more information, and therefore a much sharper, more vibrant image. A larger slide or negative will always give a better image, all other things being equal, as it simply allows for that much more information to be stored.

Medium format gear is "professional" gear, meaning the quality is very high. Some of the best lenses ever made have been for medium format cameras. You're not going to find much cheap, low quality consumer grade glass in the medium format world, though TLR cameras like the Yashica TLRs can be a little cheaper. Rather, the finest lens makers of all times have tasked their best engineers with the mission of creating amazing lenses for their medium format cameras. Most of these lenses will create images of the highest quality possible.

All these factors add up to give you an amazing quality image that will blow away any 35mm image taken under similar conditions. If you look at a medium format slide (or negative) through a magnifier, you will be amazed at the level of detail you'll be seeing. It's hard to describe, but the difference is immediately visible and striking. This is not a small quality improvement that is visible to only an elite few, this is a radical change in the quality of your photos.

Indeed, it is this quality that leads many professionals to deal with the added cost, size, and weight of medium format gear. To be sure, its not the most convenient and affordable of formats. The larger negative requires a larger, more complex camera to deal with. A larger lens is required to focus enough light to expose the medium format film pane. These larger, more complex cameras and lenses are also significantly more expensive than 35mm cameras. Medium format cameras are not for the average photographer, but rather for the professional or amateur who demands only the best looking images possible, while still allowing for some flexibility and portability, which large format lacks.

So, should you go out and buy a medium format camera today? Typically not, given the way medium format is so complex. However, if you're looking to greatly improve the quality of your images, and you're not too daunted by the complexities and expense involved with a medium format camera, you should start shopping for one today, as nothing else will fulfill that desire as well as medium format camera can.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Your First Digital Camera

Best Price for Your Digital Camera

Finding a digital camera best price can be a little difficult at first. However, outlining what you are looking to do with your camera, your level of experience, who it is for, may help determine the digital camera best price you seek. There are places to go like that provides extensive reviews on just about every digital camera available on the market today. Also, do not just settle on one place to shop for the best digital camera price. A good place to go is or

You will need to be concerned not only about the right digital camera best price but about digital camera features and accessories as well. I would advise not to jump on the most inexpensive digital camera, as that it may not have the features you want. Carefully review features, like memory, shooting speed, megapixels, zoom, focus, image stabilizer, lighting, and especially download capabilities to your PC.

Next, determine what you are going to be photographing with your digital camera. Are you shooting landscape, people, action sports, your kids, or are you going to be using it for school? Are your kids going to use it? That is a big factor here.  So, not only waht you are shooting, but also who will use the digital camera. You may want to buy a cheaper camera that you are not afraid to let get used and abused if you will.

Those who are beginners at this may want to buy the most expensive camera, unless you are going to photography school like the Art Institute. otherwise, look for a camera that will meet your immediate needs and will give you a first hand experience. The digital camera best price for you would be on low end.

Finally, there are many brand names and models to choose from. Obtaining the digital camera best price can be found if you apply the principles listed here versus just jumping out of the boat to purchase a digital camera. A little research can save you hundreds of dollars.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Sony Alpha DSLR-A350 Digital SLR Camera Reviewed

The Sony Alpha DSLR-A350 Digital SLR Camera raises the resolution from 10 mega pixels to 14.2 mega pixels. The auto focus function in Live View is as fast as it is in optical viewfinder mode. This is the major breakthrough of all of Sony’s SLR cameras.

The A350 has a new “pop-up” flash rather than the older “pull-up” variety. This camera can deploy flash in auto mode when necessary. Sony’s 14 mega pixel Alpha A350 has a MSRP of $800 for the base model , $900 with the optional 18-70 mm lens and $1090.00 with the advanced 18-70 and 55-200 lens.

The Sony Alpha A350 measures 5.25x4x3 inches and weighs about 24 ounces or 682 grams with memory card and battery.


-14.2 Mega Pixel HAD CCD with resolutions of up to 4,592 x 3,056 pixels!
-Lithium-ion battery
-Compact Flash Type I, II and Microdrive
-Optical viewfinder
-3.88x lens kit, 18-70 mm (27-105mm equivalent)
-ISO sensitivity: 100:3,200 seconds
-Dimensions 5.25x4.0x3.0 inches
-Weight: 24 ounces(including lens, card and battery)

Sony A350 Advanced Special Features

-Live View Mode
-Tilting LCD
-Super SteadyShot in-camera image stabilization
-BIONZ image processor
-Anti-Dust Technology
-External, flash hot-shoe
-Auto pop-up flash with four main operating modes and a variable slow-sync function
-Dynamic range optimizer
-Built in support for wireless TTL flash exposure with certain Sony flashes
-Eye-start auto focus system
-Auto and manual focus options with Single and Continuous AF modes
-A wide selection of scene modes including: Portrait, landscape, sports, macro, sunset, night view and night portrait
-Creative style settings
-Raw and JPEG file formats
-High-resolution thumbnails for Photo TV HD viewing
-Continuous burst mode
-USB 2.0 High-speed cable interface for fast downloading of images
-NTSC or PAL selectable video output signal; cables included
-Optional wired remote control accessories


-LCD screen allows comfortable s hooting from above or below
-Live View mode does not affect AF speed
-14.2 mega pixel sensor
-Awesome grip
-Easy to use, simple navigation
-Great on-screen menu design for quick selection of options
-Dynamic Range Optimization preserves full details of images in highlights and shadows

The only real challenge presented to individuals interested in this camera is selecting which one to choose. The A350 has a very fast AF in Live View mode with a nice tilting LCD. The Sony A350 offers a well-rounded package, delivering the best of all world’s in terms of resolution, design and of course, usability.

Visit Best Digi Cam Review to find out how to buy digital cameras cheaply