Yes, digital photography for beginners is possible. Although if you are used to using an old film camera there are some differences with the modern digital cameras you will want to know about.
You will be able to get a lot out of digital photography for beginners once you know of and capitalize on of these differences. The truth is this stuff really isn't rocket science.
Gaining a Collection of Images
With the digital format we are now hardly limited at all when it comes to the number of photos we will be able to take. Never again will you have to pay for a whole load of prints that you didn't even want. This is all good, however you do need to get into the habit of going through your photos and editing or deleting your collection. This is because you do not want to have to go through loads and loads of useless images to find your good ones later.
Ways to save space
You can switch from a high-resolution picture to a lower resolution to save on storage space. Your high-resolution photos will take up more storage space than the lower resolution one.
Generally you'll probably only need a really high end resolution with your photographs when intending to print them out in a very large size, say like a poster for instance. For looking at on your laptop and other electronic devices you will likely find a smaller quality is more than good enough, visitors to my basic photography guide usually say this is the norm for them. It is also possible with many cameras to change the compression rate/format that your camera saves its images in. Your images will take up less room in the storage space when you compress the pictures. If there is one thing modern Day cameras are normally short of its memory space, so you really should increase it as soon as possible. This will instantly bring your level of fun down if you were planning to take photos and you cannot because you just ran out of memory.
The dreaded battery issue
Healthy batteries for your camera is simply essential.
If you are running low on battery power, avoiding overuse of your LCD digital display should help significantly to lengthen your cameras usage time. You can also turn off the flash and continuous auto focus to reduce these items from using up your batteries. If your camera doesn't use its own special power pack, make sure you are at least using good rechargeable batteries and that you have several charged replacement sets of batteries ready with you at all times. All amateurs, no matter what their level of experience, will be able to enjoy digital photography for beginners. There's no reason why you can't come up with pictures you are proud of.
you'll learn that it is easy to go from digital photography for beginners to the next level of photography, as you get more comfortable with your digital camera.