Saturday, November 8, 2008

Researching A Digital Camera

Digital camera technology moves forward so quickly these days that it often alienates its potential customers. Finding the best digital camera should really be quite simple with all the consumer reports and comparisons available both online and in written periodicals. Drawing the money to pay for it out you decide on a top of the range 10 megapixel resolution, 12 times optical zoom compact camera with a two and a half inch LCD screen for excellent viewing of the images afterwards. Can you imagine your surprise when you find that the camera you have researched so diligently and have set your heart on has been usurped from its position of best model with a newer more expensive version.

So we have a dilemma because now there is this new version, we simply must have this latest best digital camera. However, the decision to purchase the best digital camera has been made for us because why would we now want second best. If you are new to digital cameras and photography the tips below might be useful and point you in the right direction. First off try and search out a model with a higher number of pixels, referred to megapixels; you ideally need over 5 although with today's cameras it would be hard to find one under that anyway.

You normally find that the higher the number of pixels, referred to as megapixels, the camera has, the deeper the colors and clarity of the image will be which helps the final printed version. The resolution of your image is based upon the megapixel property of your camera which means that as you enlarge the picture, you would get more detail and less blurry colors. Good quality models are now using large LCD screens around the 2.5 inches area which is great for viewing them afterwards and for framing the shots perfectly. Many of the best quality digital cameras now have special functions enabled so the image can be edited to a degree on the screen itself without the use of a computer.

However, if you remember that a large screen equals higher power consumption, smaller screen, lower power consumption you can't go wrong so just carry a spare set of rechargeable batteries with you everywhere. More and more digital cameras are coming equipped with an optical zoom and this is the sort to try for even if it is only a three times power. Low spec cameras that only cost a fraction for their quality cousins will only have a digital zoom; unless you really aren't at all fussy about your shots you would be well advised to stay clear of buying a digital zoom only camera. As there are so many types of storage card available you will have to ensure you buy the correct one.

Memory cards are used in all sorts of electronic gadgets and you may already have heard of the main ones: Sony's Memory Stick, compact Flash, Secure Digital and XD cards for example. Purchasing a large memory card means you can store larger resolution images and many more of them but sometimes the larger capacity cards might not be compatible with your model. Prices for the large gigabyte cards now are almost the same price as one that was only 64mb only 2 or 3 years ago. Your life and interests should really be the ideal measuring stick for the type of digital camera you ultimately buy. Whether you use your camera for fun or for serious photography, as long as it is used it will be worth the financial outlay.


To find additional information on digital cameras visit Vivitar Digital Camera

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