Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Canon Powershot SX10IS 10MP Digital Camera Review

Are you considering photography as a hobby? But you don't want to spend to much in an SLR before you can be sure that you like photography.

This is where Canon Powershot SX10IS camera comes in.

Power SX101S is making its foray into the range of Canon digital cameras. It is an upgrade on the S5IS. The enhanced digital SLR camera now has upgraded DIGIC4, letting you to snap continuous photographs for subjects in motion, and magnified resolution of 10 mega pixels.

Taking remarkable range shots is no longer a problem. Thanks to SX10IS's large 20x optical zoom. Taking natural photographs is impressive enough that the subjects don't know they are being filmed.

The wide angle of SX10IS is pretty impressive. It has a range of 28mm to 560mm. It makes a breeze for any photographer to capture photographs at close ups or far away.

The Powershot SX10IS can distinguish human faces at any angle. Upon finding the faces, you will notice a focusing rectangles on the faces. Don't you think you can focus better on faces with this feature?

The optical image stabilization (OIS) and motion detection benefit you when you attach the long lens on the Canon Powershot SX10IS.

Compared to its predecessor, Powershot SX10IS is bigger. If you are a newbie, then you may find it bulky. But after using it a few times, you'll find that you can take shots more steadily because of the grip. Also, you won't drop the camera easily.

The improved design makes easier for you to reach the buttons on the Canon Powershot SX10IS. With easy reach you can change any setting such as Manual exposure, Program AE, Custom mode, Aperture priority AE, and Shutter-speed priority AE.

You'll be amazed with the quality of the images. Its 10 mega pixels could take amazing details when you shoot for close ups. Its i-Contrast also helps you to capture shots under natural lighting without blowing out the light areas.

Of course, you can't compare the quality of the pictures to the ones you take with a standalone DSLR lens. Overall, it is easy to use. It starts up fast. I think Canon Powershot SX10IS it is an ideal digital camera for those who can't afford DSLR camera.

I wouldn't be surprised if you have visited the reviews at CNET or DPREVIEW. But the best comments actually come from the users themselves. We took the liberty of extracting some quotations of the users from digital camera discussion boards,, and Following this Canon Powershot SX10IS review, it would justify the purchase of Canon Powershot SX10IS.

"In initial testing, the face detection technology seems to work well. I can take a self portrait now and the lighting comes out very good. I think the technology has gone from buzzword marketing to true usefulness."

"This camera's 28-560 mm is what makes this camera like no others. With the 100 or so pictures produce for me so far, it looks a feels like a winner."

"The flip-out and rotating viewfinder has always and continues to set this camera apart from its peers from other companies. It allows for less intrusive candid photos and has many other advantages."

"28mm-560mm is one heck of range to have at your finger tips."

"I feel the lens is the best of the ultra zooms in its range."

"Build quality is amazingly solid, though. Video recording is intuitive and the quality looks good - plus you have full use of the camera's very quiet lens."

"If you are looking for a camera that takes really good sports photos or any photos, I would recommend this camera."

"Functionally, I'm very impressed so far. This is a significant reworking of the S5, rather than a previous model lightly warmed over."

Now you have decided that this is digital camera you're looking.

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